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30 Hrs Course on Summary of “Minhaj As-Sunnah” of Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah

A unique course of 30 Hrs on the Summary of “Minhaj As-Sunnah” of Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah (Refuting the Doubts of the Shia)

Starting Insha Allah on 20 April 2024 to February 2025

Every Saturday 12.00pm to 1.00 pm Live on Zoom

With recordings available to all registered students

Break in July and on weeks Shaykh Suhaib Hasan travels abroad

Fee: 90£ for West, free for Africa/Asia

Certificate of attendance for students

Payments to be made to: Cambride Muslim Trust Sort code: 30-13-55 Acc: 35041368

Contact: 07897684334, 00447897684334

Discounts available for students and retired

About Me

Sheikh Suhaib Hasan Abdul Ghaffar is the Secretary of the Islamic Sharia Council of Great Britain.

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