Usul At-Tafsir Course: “Al-Fawz Al-Kabir fi Usul At-Tafsir” of Shah Waliyullah Muhadith Dehlwi
16 Hours videos of Course with Shaykh Suhaib Hasan explaining in English the book “Al-Fawz Al-Kabir fi Usul At-Tafsir” of Imam Al-Hind Shah Waliyullah Muhadith Dehlwi.
Fee for course of videos: 45£ for US and Europe, free for Asia/Africa.
Fees to be paid to Cambridge Muslim Trust 30/13/55-35041368
To register Whatsapp: 07897684334. 00447897684334 from abroad
All registered students will obtain a certificate of attendance and videos of the lessons.