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Urdu translation of book “Ad-Dhawabit Al-Fihqhiyah fi Ta’amul ma’al Mukhalifeen fil Masail Al-Asliyah wal Far’iyah”

Book of Dr Ahmad ibn Sa’d Ghamidi former teacher of Aqidah Umm ul Qura University Makkah. الضوابط الفقهيه في التعامل مع المخالفين في المسائل الأصلية والفرعية, on principles on how to deal with those who have deviations in creed and branches, translated inti Urdu by Dr Suhaib Hasan, and published by Muslim World league (Rabitah Alam Islami).

Arabic PDF cab be downloaded here:

Bio of Shaykh Ahmad ibn Sa’d Al-Ghamidi an his teachers:

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Sheikh Suhaib Hasan Abdul Ghaffar is the Secretary of the Islamic Sharia Council of Great Britain.

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